SkinViva Training shares its tricks of the trade for video content marketing
by Lee Cottrill, Business Development Director, SkinViva Training
There’s no denying that video marketing is a great way of boosting your clinic’s profile.
And as more businesses than ever are learning to visually engage with their customers, producing good quality videos to help build your brand has never been more important.
In this blog, I’ll share with you some of our learning from recent weeks following our decision to produce some professional videos for SkinViva.
- Get yourself clear on what you stand for
- Ok so this isn’t EXACTLY a prep step for getting ready for filming BUT it is probably the most important step. You need to spend a bit of time getting clear on your ethos. What is it that you stand for? What is it you want to do for your clients? What do you want them to remember you for?
- Once you know why you do what it is you do, everything else then falls into place. Every little thing you do you can then check back to ‘does this support my ethos?’ If it doesn’t then it’s important to ask ‘why are you doing it?’ Customers need a clear message. They need to know why they’re choosing you so make sure you know the answer to this prior to doing any filming!
- Tell a story…we all love a story!
- The film crew we’re using this week has worked on the ‘Lorraine’ show on ITV1. Let’s look at Lorraine Kelly then as an example. When Lorraine is interviewing her guests on the sofa it’s not just a random blurting out of facts is it? Facts are part of it but the most important component to capturing attention is having a story. Your audience will always be more interested in a captivating story with some emotion attached to it. One of our greatest PR successes of 2015, as an example, was telling the story of a Manchester lady who went blind in adulthood. It didn’t stop her making the most of her life however continuing with her floristry work and wanting to look great by having rejuvenation and beautification treatments with Botox and dermal fillers. Would we have had the same success if we just did an article on Botox with no story behind it? Probably not.
- I can’t afford a film crew!
- If hiring a film crew is currently a stretch for your budget, then there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with producing some film content yourself. In some ways it’s better because authenticity, originality and speaking from the heart is where success in today’s marketing is at.
- DIY Video Blog Tips – Here’s a few things then to think about when doing your own filming:
- Keep your message and visuals simple so everything that’s in the frame is contributing to the story and there’s nothing in the frame distracting people from the main message. Leaving your mobile phone on the desk next to you in the shot may not seem like a biggie but your audience will be thinking “ooh she’s got her phone out” rather than concentrating on what you’re saying.
- What’s going on in the background? Thoroughly clean and tidy before starting filming Remember people will make judgements on you and your surroundings.
- Get your brand in there by adding your logo to a computer monitor in the background or have a simple poster on display. A more advanced step is to overlay your logo electronically on to the video itself.
- If you can’t afford professional lighting equipment then use natural light with a flood of artificial light from behind the camera. Dull lighting can ruin a video as it impacts the emotions of people watching it and distracts from the key messages.
- It’s ok to use your iPhone to film stuff. The quality is surprisingly good BUT you must avoid the ‘shakes’. A shaky and moving picture will again district people from the message you want them to absorb.
- Remember about70% of what people take from your video comes NOT from what you’re saying but from your surroundings, your dress sense, and your body language. If everything looks great in the shot and you come across personable and confident then this is undoubtedly a boost to the impact the video has.
- Concentration spans are shrinking. If the purpose of your video is to raise awareness with people who haven’t heard of you then keep it less than a minute. If instead you’re trying to attract people who are repeat customers or new customers who are actively searching for information as part of their buying process then up to 20 mins is probably ok. Ultimately, be clear on your message and get to the point.
- Get it out there in the right places
- Having a think about what you want from your video will inform the best places you should display it. Here’s a few low cost ideas for what to do with your video:
- How do you engage with your audience? What do your audience read? What do they surf?
- Post your content anywhere that’s free (no brainer)
- Social media platform requires personality and informality. Don’t try and sell too much.
- YouTube – every video MUST go on YouTube. You can even try paid advertising through YouTube but ensure you monitor what happens so you don’t waste cash.
- Facebook ‘boosts’ are something we’ve had good success with at building likes. Likes are great because it grows your engaged audience.
- Email the link to your video to your clients. Mailchimp is a dead easy and free tool to manage this and measure results.
- If you’ve a really interesting and unusual story then get in touch with a local journalist – be confident!
Botox and Fillers Training Manchester
SkinViva Training Academy offers a comprehensive range of training courses for cosmetic and medical skin treatments including Botox and Dermal fillers.
Their courses are designed for medical professionals such as suitably qualified and registered medical professionals who wish to learn and build on their skills in delivering these procedures.
SkinViva Training was established by by Dr Tim Pearce MBChB BSc (Hons) MRCGP. The SkinViva Training team upholds high standards of clinical training providing a combination of fully-supervised practical experience together with essential theory.
For further information, to discuss which course is right for you, to enquire about availability or to book a training course please call 0161 850 2491, or email