
Level 7, PgCert or Masters – Which is Best?

injectable treatment qualificationsLevel 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine vs Other Qualifications

In the latest on our series of articles on the new Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine, Business Development Director looks at how the new ‘Level 7’ compares to other potential qualification routes – Masters or PgCert.

Lee looks at the difference between the options and provides some expert advice on how to choose the best route for advancing your BOTOX® and dermal fillers training and qualifications.

Lee explains:

“As with anything in life, there’s pros and cons of both. 

“Firstly, these views are my own so yours may differ.


“There’s a lot of credibility in undertaking a postgraduate certificate or Masters – letters after your name and hopefully a great deal of knowledge and theory to take on board from a well-respected university.

“A downside of a Masters is the time and cost. The range of fees for completing a Masters can be around £10,000 and will completed to an academic timetable over 3 years.

“The PgCert by comparison is completed in 1 year and is around £6,000, as is the IQ Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine.

“A key difference in the PgCert is that you will need to operate in line with the strict academic timetable of the university whereas the IQ Level 7 Certificate is more flexible with completion milestones.

“Next, there’s the academic nature of a Masters and breadth of material which is covered. I see this as both a pro and a con all at the same time. My own experience in the training market is that students learn better when they learn one area of specialism at a time and then immediately put that into practice. The wide-ranging content of a Masters in aesthetics in the UK ranges from skin ageing, to dermatology, to, well, aesthetics. My point being that they’re usually quite broad, not necessarily very practical, and perhaps not aimed primarily at practitioners who are building their small-but-growing businesses.

Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine

“By contrast, the IQ Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine is a vocational Level 7, meaning it’s specifically aimed at practitioners working in the sector who are building their own businesses. It’s cheaper too. From looking at the prices on offer from the relatively small numbers of providers offering Level 7, the rate seems to be sitting around £5,000-£6,000 ‘all in’.

“Theoretically, the Level 7 is also quicker to get through. This is for two reasons as I see it – firstly, the scope is JUST injectables – nothing else, therefore it’s truly aimed at people who want to really nail their competency in botulinum toxins and dermal fillers. Secondly, the pace is driven by the student and not an academic timetable. You can choose when you want to study and undertake your clinical supervision which is a boon for people working busy lives in the NHS whilst also trying to build a business.

“Sure, you won’t get new letters after your name with the ‘IQ Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine’ but you WILL get a specifically designed vocational Level 7 qualification that will build and challenge your hands-on capabilities in injecting patients with BOTOX® and dermal fillers.”

More Blogs on Level 7

by Lee Cottrill

More Information

Find out about the Level 7 course at SkinViva Training.

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SkinViva Training Academy Manchester

SkinViva Training Ltd offer a range of professional training courses for cosmetic and medical skin treatments.

Their courses in cosmetic treatments directed at suitably qualified and registered medical professionals who wish to learn and build on their skills in delivering these procedures.

See our full list of forthcoming training course dates.

SkinViva Training Academy was established in 2013 by Dr Tim Pearce MBChB BSc (Hons) MRCGP – learn more about us. The SkinViva Training Academy team upholds high standards of clinical training providing a combination of fully-supervised practical experience together with essential theory.

For further information, to discuss which course is right for you, to enquire about availability or to book a training course please call 0161 850 2491, or email

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