From 1 April 2017 all medical practitioners and clinics offering non-surgical treatment are required to be registered with Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).
This means that clinics where medical practitioners provide BOTOX® and dermal fillers are required to register in the same way as establishments offering minor/major surgery.
Find out more in our recent article HIS Registration Required for BOTOX® and Fillers Scotland.
Scottish Healthcare Provider Register
There are currently 300 independent healthcare providers registered across Scotland. Patients can search for a nearby provider and view the latest inspection report outcomes, registration conditions, contact information and quality of service offered.
Find out more on how HIS regulate independent providers at Healthcare Improvement Scotland: The regulation of independent healthcare in Scotland.
Benefits of regulation to patients in Scotland
HIS refers to multiple benefits of regulation for patients opting for non-surgical cosmetic interventions:
- Clinics will be registered to strict professional standards
- Clinics will be independently audited and regulated
- Regular inspections of clinics will be undertaken using announced and unannounced visits
- Results will be publicly reported for transparency and accountability to patients
- Enforcement actions will be taken for cosmetic clinics who don’t comply with requirements
Registering with HIS
Advice for Medical Aesthetic Practitioners in Scotland
How much does it cost to register with HIS?
Independent clinics in Scotland carrying out non-surgical cosmetic procedures will pay an initial registration fee (£2,495) and annual renewal (£995) to maintain their status. More information in HIS document Independent Healthcare Services Fees Information.
Providers of surgical treatments will pay a higher initial registration fee and continuation fee in recognition of the increased risk and audit requirements.
How do I start the registration process?
For new aesthetics clinics looking to get themselves registered, Healthcare Improvement Scotland have a webpage full of resources to help including:
- guidance for how to apply
- information on how much it costs to register
- application and inspection processes
- an example financial plan
- definitions of how various treatments are classified (eg botulinum toxin as a non-surgical cosmetic procedure)
Clinics wishing to apply for registration should complete the HIS Pre-Registration Form.
This is the starting point to get access to the online portal where registration takes place. There are also two separate pieces of guidance – one for practitioners delivering services in a patient’s home and one for practitioners delivering services from clinic premises.
What do I need to register with HIS for non-surgical cosmetic procedures?
To apply for registration with Healthcare Improvement Scotland as an independent clinic, you will complete your registration via an online portal. You’ll need a range of items ready for your application, including a business plan, identity, policies and procedures. The HIS publish a list of supporting documentation that may be required at the Guidance for Online Application document.
Can I deliver BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers at a patient’s home in Scotland?
Healthcare Improvement Scotland have set out guidelines for when its appropriate to carry out treatments in a patient’s home. Some of the key points include:
- The premises must be suitable for the treatment being carried out
- They must be of sound construction and well maintained
- There must be appropriate heat, light, ventilation, and equipment available
- Processes and systems must be suitable for the treatment and control of injection and suitable to be carried out in the home of a patient
- Clean and safe storage for equipment
- There must be no use of alcohol by the patient prior to the procedure
- The treatment area must be away from smoke, children, pets, animals and any other disturbances
- A log must be kept of any accidents, complications or adverse reactions
- BOTOX® requires a prescription which must be done face-to-face
- You must be able to store and transport medicines and products securely and in line with their guidelines (eg refrigeration)
You can read the HIS guidance on treating clients in their homes at Independent Clinics – Additional guidance for providing a service in a service user’s home.
SkinViva Training Academy Manchester
SkinViva Training Ltd offer a range of professional training courses for cosmetic and medical skin treatments.
Their courses in cosmetic treatments directed at suitably qualified and registered medical professionals who wish to learn and build on their skills in delivering these procedures.
See our full list of forthcoming training course dates.
SkinViva Training Academy was established in 2013 by Dr Tim Pearce MBChB BSc (Hons) MRCGP – learn more about us. The SkinViva Training Academy team upholds high standards of clinical training providing a combination of fully-supervised practical experience together with essential theory.
For further information, to discuss which course is right for you, to enquire about availability or to book a training course please call 0161 850 2491, or email
we scream for legislation – for a recognised register where health care professionals can be legitimate – to make sure they are fully trained – have regular CPD – insurance – premesis that meet clinical standards – nothing in making sure that standards are met else where when oerforming treatments – possibly to encourage patients to visit clinics instead of attending the likes of salons where possibly all medications are not stored correctly or when transporting them in the community – difficult to maintain aseptic techniques in a clinical enviroment – myst be almost impossible in someones house no matter how much you try – (always admired district nurses,) but is it not a step in the right direction in someways – yes of course therapist get away with it but yiu are never going to stop them – the governments, suppliers, manufactureres all making fortunes from it – so why should they worry abiut the patient – advertising standards agency can fine or even imprison false advertising – but they never seen to – the MHRA put you on the naughty step and expose you in thier website for a month or so, apparently – with out total legislation nothing much is going to change
Thanks for your comments Neil.