
Save Face Develop ETCS Certificate for BOTOX®/Fillers

For Practitioners Without Level 7 or University Awards

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Save Face has developed ETCS – Essential Training Curriculum Standards for practitioners offering those aesthetic procedures that pose the highest risk i.e. botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) and dermal fillers.

The objective is to ensure that Save Face members can be certified as having the knowledge and skills to competently deliver these injectable treatments.

ETCS is a self-assessment tool which allows practitioners to benchmark their knowledge and skills against a recognised standard, enabling them to map against:

  • Training courses
  • CPD activities
  • Self-directed learning.

ETCS was developed for practitioners who do not have Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine or university qualifications in aesthetics.

Those who are Save Face members can earn an ETCS badge for their profile to demonstrate that they meet the standards required.  Save Face have also developed badges for Level 7 and for university qualifications with a variant to illustrate their level – PG Cert (1 year), Diploma (2 years) and MSc (3 years). Badges will link to further detail so that members of the public can understand what level of qualification their treatment provider (practitioner) has earned.

PSA Approved

ETCS is approved by the PSA (Professional Standards Authority).

A statement from Save Face explains the background to its development:

“In 2016, as the first voluntary register to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) in this specialism, the standards related to education and training posed a challenge, given the landscape and the scope of the changes recommended by Health Education England.

“At the time, new qualifications were not widely available. By 2017, OFQUAL approved Level 7 qualifications and University courses were available but in the absence of national curriculum standards, the PSA required us to set our own.

“As we enter our second year of PSA accreditation, Save Face has developed Essential Training Curriculum Standards (ETCS) for those procedures that pose the highest risk (as identified by an audit of consumer and patient complaints).”

“We are delighted to announce that the ETCS has been approved by The PSA.

Reduced Aesthetics Insurance Premiums

Save Face members with the ETCS certificate could also benefit from a reduction in insurance costs. It has been confirmed that Cosmetic Insure will  recognise the Save Face ETCS and offer reduced premiums to Save Face registrants.

ETCS Assessment

The statement explains how Save Face members must provide evidence on application.

“All practitioners applying for registration with Save Face are required to provide evidence of training, verifiable CPD and experience, patient testimonials and maintain procedure logs for audit. Going forward practitioners will also complete a self-assessment against the ETCS and are also able to access an elearning platform designed for the Level 7, at no extra cost, to undertake further learning, where gaps are identified.

“In addition training providers may opt to complete an assessment process in order to join our list of recognised training providers. This process of audit and collaboration is intended to help practitioners plan training that supports them to meet ETCS and support training providers to design provision with this ETCS in mind.”

ETCS vs Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine

Save Face do not intend that ETCS provides an alternative to Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine.  Their statement clarifies this point:

“It is not our intention to undermine the momentum towards structured, recognised qualifications regulated by OFQUAL and University courses at Level 7 in accordance with Health Education England recommendations. The ETCS is designed to prevent those who have taken the historical route, from being excluded unfairly. ETCS may be seen as a stepping stone to recognised qualifications via the RPL route, or to academic qualifications via the universities.”

Links to ETCS Standards:

BOTOX® & Fillers Training

SkinViva Training Academy is a major provider of cosmetic treatment courses for practitioners. The company welcomes better regulation of the industry and work to further higher standards among practitioners through quality training courses.

We will continue to update this website with industry regulation news.

Botox and Fillers Training Manchester

SkinViva Training Academy offers a comprehensive range of aesthetic treatment training courses for medical professionals such as suitably qualified and registered medical professionals who wish to learn and build on their skills in delivering these procedures. For more information, please feel to browse our latest availability.

SkinViva Training Academy was established by Dr Tim Pearce MBChB BSc (Hons) MRCGP in 2013 after he set up SkinViva in 2008 – an aesthetic treatment business which now covers the North West of England.

For further information, to discuss which course is right for you, to enquire about availability or to book a training course please call 0161 850 2491, or email

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